About us

Concerned about the decline of values within the Belladeroise community, a group of Belladeroise living abroad founded a non-profit organization called PWOJE DYASPORA POU BELADE (PWODYB) on July 26, 2018, with the goal of addressing and improving the situation.

What we do?

Enhance education by backing any initiatives that aim to revitalize civic education, both through media channels and within schools. Promote efforts that drive local economic and social development. Foster a sense of community and camaraderie among members. Educate our youth on how to respond to potential pandemics and sexually transmitted diseases. Provide support to local institutions that request our help, as far as our resources allow.

Our mission

Unite all members of this community living abroad on a single platform with one shared goal: to ensure the well-being of their common heritage. Restore lost pride by actively participating in impactful activities with a new perspective. Contribute to the educational, socio-cultural, and economic growth of the region.